



I'm currently learning Ruby and RoR and I stumbled across this declaration:

link_to_remote(name, options = {}, html_options = nil)

I discovered that this pattern is used on several other Rails functions.

Why are the default values defined that way? Why not one of these two?

... options = {}, html_options = {}) 
... options = nil, html_options = nil)

Is this some kind of convention I should follow in my own functions, too?


Not an expert on it, but for options it might be because the calling code uses the merge method to combine whatever you pass in with the assumed defaults; setting it to nil would just remove all of the options. I'm not sure about html_options, but it might be something similar to that.

html_options might call a block and have something defined to check if it's given a hash or not. Like I said I'm not an expert but that might be why. I just checked on an Ubuntu VM and according to irb, an empty hash evaluates to true so that might be why. The calling code probably uses a block with something line:

if html_options
    # do stuff

so it's nil by default because the code would execute and probably give you a nil error with an empty Hash

Wayne M
+1  A: 

The method is defined like this:

link_to_function(name, remote_function(options), html_options || options.delete(:html))

This allows you to specify the html_options as part of the options hash instead of as a separate parameter. On the other hand, the options hash is always passed to remote_function, so we need it.

It's also a bit more efficient to use the singleton nil rather than construct an array that will never be used every time the method is called. I wouldn't say this reason is so compelling that I wouldn't use {} if it made the resulting code cleaner, but in the absence of any other consideration, it seems like the logical thing to do.
