



I updated my python interpreter, but I think the old one is still called. When I check for the version I get:

$ python -V
Python 3.0.1

But I believe the old interpreter is still being called. When I run the command:


The script runs properly. But when I invoke it with the command


I get the error message:

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'format'

Which apparently is due to the old interpreter being called. How can I fix this? I run Mac OS X 10.5. Has it something to do with the first line:


I just started out with python and am not very familiar with interpreted languages, so I am not too sure what is going on.

Edit: Wow, that was quick. Thanks a lot!

+2  A: 

run 'which python' - if this gives a different answer than /usr/bin/python, change #!/usr/bin/python to have that path instead.

Nathaniel Flath
+3  A: 

Try which python. I will tell you which python interpreter is used in your environment. If it is not /usr/bin/python like in the script, then your suspicion is confirmed.

+9  A: 

According to the first line of the script, #!/usr/bin/python, you are calling the Python interpreter at /usr/bin/python (which is most likely the one that ships with Mac OS X). You have to change that path to the path where you installed your Python 3 interpreter (likely /usr/local/bin/python or /opt/local/bin/python); or you can just change that line to read #!/usr/bin/env python, which will call the python listed first in your PATH variable (which seems to be the newer version you installed).

+5  A: 

Firstly, the recommended shebang line is:

#!/usr/bin/env python

This will make sure the python interpreter that is invoked when you ./ is the same interpreter that is invoked when you invoke python from the command line.

From your description, I suspect that if you did:

which python

It would not give you /usr/bin/python. It would give you something else, which is where the python 3 interpreter lives. You can either modify your shebang line to the above, or replace the path to the python interpreter with the path returned by which.

+2  A: 

It's very possibly what you suspect, that the shebang line is calling the older version. Two things you might want to check:

1) what version is the interpreter at /usr/bin/python:

/usr/bin/python -V

2) where is the python 3 interpreter you installed:

which python

If you get the correct one from the command line, then replace your shebang line with this:

#!/usr/bin/env python

Addendum: You could also replace the older version of python with a symlink to python 3, but beware that any major OS X updates (ie: 10.5.6 to 10.5.7) will likely break this:

sudo mv /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/python25
sudo ln -s /path/to/python/3/python /usr/bin/python
It's probably not the best idea to replace /usr/bin/python with a symlink. Some OS X utilities may refer to /usr/bin/python, and since Python 3K is not 100% backwards-compatible with Python 2.x, you run the risk of breaking some of those utilities.
Yeah, I'd recommend against messing with the Python that comes with OS X.
Jason Baker

It may be a bit odd providing a Perl script to answer a Python question, but it works for Python just as well as it does for Perl. This is a script called 'fixin', meaning 'fix interpreter'. It changes the shebang line to the correct string for your current PATH.

#   @(#)$Id:,v 1.3 2003/03/11 21:20:08 jleffler Exp $
#   FIXIN: from Programming Perl
#   Usage: fixin [-s] [file ...]

# Configuration
$does_hashbang = 1;  # Kernel recognises #!
$verbose = 1;     # Verbose by default

# Construct list of directories to search.
@absdirs = reverse grep(m!^/!, split(/:/, $ENV{'PATH'}, 999));

# Process command line arguments
if ($ARGV[0] eq '-s')
    $verbose = 0;
die "Usage: $0 [-s] [file ...]\n" unless @ARGV || !-t;

@ARGV = '-' unless @ARGV;

# Process each file.
FILE: foreach $filename (@ARGV)
    open(IN, $filename) || ((warn "Can't process $filename: $!\n"), next);
    $_ = <IN>;
    next FILE unless /^#!/;  # Not a hash/bang file

    chop($cmd = $_);
    $cmd =~ s/^#! *//;
    ($cmd, $arg) = split(' ', $cmd, 2);
    $cmd =~ s!^.*/!!;

    # Now look (in reverse) for interpreter in absolute path
    $found = '';
    foreach $dir (@absdirs)
     if (-x "$dir/$cmd")
      warn "Ignoring $found\n" if $verbose && $found;
      $found = "$dir/$cmd";

    # Figure out how to invoke interpreter on this machine
    if ($found)
     warn "Changing $filename to $found\n" if $verbose;
     if ($does_hashbang)
      $_ = "#!$found";
      $_ .= ' ' . $arg if $arg ne '';
      $_ .= "\n";
      $_ = <<EOF;
eval 'exec $found $arg -S \$0 \${1+"\$@"}'
    if \$running_under_some_shell;
     warn "Can't find $cmd in PATH, $filename unchanged\n" if $verbose;
     next FILE;

    # Make new file if necessary
    if ($filename eq '-') { select(STDOUT); }
     rename($filename, "$filename.bak") ||
      ((warn "Can't modify $filename"), next FILE);
     open(OUT, ">$filename") ||
      die "Can't create new $filename: $!\n";
     ($def, $ino, $mode) = stat IN;
     $mode = 0755 unless $dev;
     chmod $mode, $filename;

    # Print the new #! line (or the equivalent) and copy the rest of the file.
    while (<IN>)
    close IN;
    close OUT;

The code is derived from a script of the same name in the original Camel Book ('Programming Perl', first edition). This copy has been hacked a bit since then - and should be hacked some more. But I use it routinely -- indeed, I just copied it from one Mac to another, and since I've not installed Perl 5.10.0 on the second, I ran:

$ perl fixin fixin
Changing fixin to /usr/bin/perl

Thereby changing from the private install Perl to the standard one.

Exercise for the reader - rewrite the script in Python.

Jonathan Leffler