



I need to parse HTML 4 in Java. Ideally I'd like an implementation that is SAX compatible.

I'm aware that there are numerous HTML parsers in for Java, however, they all seem to perform 'tidying'. In other words, they will correct badly formed HTML. I don't want this.

My requirements are:

  1. No tidying.
  2. If the input document is invalid HTML parsing should fail.
  3. The document should be validatable against the HTML DTDs.
  4. The parser can produce SAX2 events.

Is there a library that meets these requirements?

+1  A: 

You can find a collection of HTML parsers here HTML Parsers. I don't remeber exactly but I think TagSoup parses the file without applying corrections...

"TagSoup, a SAX-compliant parser written in Java that, instead of parsing well-formed or valid XML, parses HTML as it is found in the wild..." Unfortunately not.
"It does guarantee well-structured results: tags will wind up properly nested, default attributes will appear appropriately, and so on."
If it is able to populate default attributes this mean it parses the's not clear if it fails if the document fails to be validated.
Also have a look at javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser, it looks like it does DTD validationprotected void endTag(boolean omitted) { handleText(stack.tag); if (omitted } else if (!stack.terminate()) { error("end.unexpected", stack.elem.getName()); }
+1  A: 

You may wish to check They have a pure Java web browser (Lobo) implemented. They have the parser component (Cobra) pulled out separately for use. I honestly am not sure if it will do what you require with the "no tidying" requirement, but it may be worth a look. I ran across it when exploring the wild for a pure Java web browser.


You can try to subclass javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser and implement the handleXXX() methods. It seems it doesn't try to fix the XML. See more at the API

David Rabinowitz