



Is it possible to output specific JSON data (exported from Firefox bookmarks) using PHP.

This is the code which I have so far, it will re-encode the data as Firefox doesn't export it in the correct UTF-8 way. I also remove the trailing , from the end of the file.

// Read the file blah blah
$hFile = "../uploads/james.json";
$hFile = file_get_contents($hFile);
$hFile = utf8_encode($hFile);
// Remove the trailing comma because Firefox is lazy!!!!
$hFile = substr($hFile, 0, strlen($hFile)-3) . "]}";

$hDec = json_decode(fixEncoding($hFile));

foreach($hDec['uri'] as $hURI) {
 // Output here

// Fixes the encoding to UTF-8
function fixEncoding($in_str) {
 $cur_encoding = mb_detect_encoding($in_str);
 if($cur_encoding == "UTF-8" && mb_check_encoding($in_str,"UTF-8")){
  return $in_str;
  return utf8_encode($in_str);

I have been unable to get any output apart from the whole data, using var_dump.

+2  A: 
So is there any way this is possible?
James Brooks
I'm trying to avoid the use of libraries, but if this does end out being the only option I shall look into it.
James Brooks
+2  A: 

As VolkerK says, you have to strip the commas before both ] and }:

// ... row 7
// Remove the trailing comma because Firefox is lazy
$hFile = preg_replace('/,\s*([\]}])/m', '$1', $hFile);

// ... or using str_replace
$hFile = str_replace(',]', ']', str_replace(',}', '}', $hFile));

But, the way you are trying to access the URI's of the bookmarks (which I assume is what you are trying to do) wouldn't work.

Recheck the format/schema of the file.

Tobias Baaz
Could you also give an example of outputting all URIS? I don't see what I missed.
James Brooks
If you examine the json or the var_dump() of $hDec you see that it's not a list of URI:s and names. You have to go thru all of the children for the root entry, then all of their children etc etc. The children then have a uri value that you can do stuff with or filter by.
Tobias Baaz