



I am using MVC with C#. I need to take the user to a payment page if the user didn't pay for an item. I need to have a common class to check this functionality and redirect to payment page.

Like inheriting all the controllers to a Base Controller. In that base controller i have to check this payment status for some controller and actions(i.e. ViewPage) and redirect to payment page.

Please someone suggest the best way to do this

+1  A: 

I suggest you do this with an action atrribute


Creating your custom ActionFilter is the best solution. You could download ASP.NET MVC source and look at System.Web.Mvc.AuthorizeAttribute class. I think it is a good starting point for you.

+1  A: 

Create a custom actionFilterAttribute like so (this example works from having your item stored in the session, but you could modify this as required):

public abstract class RequiresPaymentAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
    protected bool ItemHasBeenPaidFor(Item item)
  // insert your check here

    private ActionExecutingContext actionContext;

    public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext actionContext)
        this.actionContext = actionContext;

        if (ItemHasBeenPaidFor(GetItemFromSession()))
            // Carry on with the request
            // Redirect to a payment required action
            actionContext.Result = CreatePaymentRequiredViewResult();

    private User GetItemFromSession()
        return (Item)actionContext.HttpContext.Session["ItemSessionKey"];

    private ActionResult CreatePaymentRequiredViewResult()
        return new MyController().RedirectToAction("Required", "Payment");

Then you can simply add an attribute to all controller actions that require this check:

public class MyController: Controller
    public RedirectToRouteResult RedirectToAction(string action, string controller)
        return RedirectToAction(action, controller);

    public ActionResult Index()
        // etc
Sam Wessel
RedirectToAction is not accessible in the CreatePaymentRequiredViewResult method.
Hmm yes I may have over-simplified, when I modified our production code for that example. Updating my example...
Sam Wessel