




I think I saw someday a way to create a link without sending the page that the user was in originally. Is that possible? Or do we need to use a redirector to hide the location of the previous site?

EDIT: If you have an idea for a server-side option to anonymise the link you're welcome.


Depending on what your circumstances are you could use something like anonym.to - if you trust these services.

From your tag I assume you do not want to use (or have access to) server-side tools like PHP. In that case this will be tricky. I don't know whether this is even possible at all with just HTML/Javascript.

+3  A: 

Check out this section on Wiki on referrer hiding.

Most major browsers do not send the referrer header when they are instructed to redirect using the "Refresh" HTTP header. However, this method of redirection is discouraged by the W3C.

Ólafur Waage

see this thread for basic example of server side setting of the referer


well he did ask for a "server-side option to anonymise"

There is no way to do this.

In fact this param is controlled on the client side. Depending on the browser, some just never send referer or fakes.

You should not be able to do it in any way.

But here is 2 tips:

  • Use a redirector page
  • Offer to the user a copy/paste function and then, open a new window to let him able to paste and go.
Boris Guéry