Look into Zend___Acl which can be used to define whether a user has access to certain resources. A resource can be pretty much anything, but in this context you can use the ACL to define your controllers and actions as resources. Each logged in user is then assigned a number of roles (we store them in a database). In a plugin you check the request for the Controller and Action, after routing is complete. Gather the roles of the user through the Zend_Auth and check them against the ACL. If the ACL says the user has permission to access the resource, do nothing, else you can forward/redirect to your error controller and print the error.
// Pseudo-code. You need to define the ACL and roles somehow.
class AclPlugin extends Zend_Controller_Plugin {
public function routeShutdown(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
$controller = $request->getControllerName();
$action = $request->getActionName();
$roles = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getRoles();
$acl = new MyAcl();
if($acl->hasAccess($roles, $controller, $action)) { return; }
// None of the user's roles gave her access to the requested
// controller/action, so re-write the request to the error controller
->setParam('resource', array('controller' => $controller
'action' => $action));
class MyAcl extends Zend_Acl {
public function hasAccess($roles, $controller, $action) {
foreach($roles as $role) {
if($acl->isAllowed($role, $controller, $action)) {
return true; // Simplified. Here we say if one of the user roles can
// access a resource, that is good enough.
// Might want to do something a bit more complicated.
return false;