



I have a table where I created an INSTEAD OF trigger to enforce some business rules.

The issue is that when I insert data into this table, SCOPE_IDENTITY() returns a NULL value, rather than the actual inserted identity.

Insert + Scope code

INSERT INTO [dbo].[Payment]([DateFrom], [DateTo], [CustomerId], [AdminId])
VALUES ('2009-01-20', '2009-01-31', 6, 1)



CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[TR_Payments_Insert]
   ON  [dbo].[Payment]
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.

    IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM dbo.Payment p
              INNER JOIN Inserted i ON p.CustomerId = i.CustomerId
              WHERE (i.DateFrom >= p.DateFrom AND i.DateFrom <= p.DateTo) OR (i.DateTo >= p.DateFrom AND i.DateTo <= p.DateTo)
              ) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM Inserted p
              INNER JOIN Inserted i ON p.CustomerId = i.CustomerId
              WHERE  (i.DateFrom <> p.DateFrom AND i.DateTo <> p.DateTo) AND 
              ((i.DateFrom >= p.DateFrom AND i.DateFrom <= p.DateTo) OR (i.DateTo >= p.DateFrom AND i.DateTo <= p.DateTo))

        INSERT INTO dbo.Payment (DateFrom, DateTo, CustomerId, AdminId)
        SELECT DateFrom, DateTo, CustomerId, AdminId
        FROM Inserted


The code worked before the creation of this trigger. I am using LINQ to SQL in C#. I don't see a way of changing SCOPE_IDENTITY to @@IDENTITY. How do I make this work?


I take it this table was working before you inserted the INSTEAD OF statement?

Have you checked your Primary Key field to make sure it has an Identity specification?

Robert Harvey
Yes and yes it does indeed (you can see the code now - it does insert a row and it does get an automatic identity when inserted).
+6  A: 

Use @@identity instead of scope_identity().

While scope_identity() returns the last created id in the current scope, @@identity returns the last created id in the current session.

The scope_identity() function is normally recommended over the @@identity field, as you usually don't want triggers to interfer with the id, but in this case you do.

After I added some more content to my post you can see that I use LINQ to SQL in my .Net app, so I really do not have much of a choice here as far as I can see, except possibly using an sproc to insert the data.
I have serious hesitations about using @@identity, but I guess in this narrow case it's okay since the other workarounds aren't really much better, and at least you know it will give the right value if the trigger doesn't insert to another table in the meantime.
@Emtucifor: In most cases you want what scope_identity() returns, but not in this case. This time it's @@identity that is the correct choise. The reason that both exist is that sometimes you actually want the unusual result.
Guffa, you only want @@identity because scope_identity() is not performing the function we all would expect it to: you insert to a table that has an identity column, and then want THAT identity column value back. Scope_Identity() is supposed to protect you from needing to search for and then scrutinize any triggers on the table to be sure they aren't inserting to another table with an identity column. But the unrestricted recommendation you made to use @@identity will break the moment there's another after-trigger on the table, or the instead-of-trigger inserts to a second table.
See the answer I provided for more on this.
I realize that you can't assume that, when inserting to a table with an INSTEAD OF trigger on it, that the rows will even be added to the table at all. They could be put in another table, or many other tables, or not inserted anywhere at all. However, the calling script doesn't know this and shouldn't need to know this. The point of an INSTEAD OF trigger is to make the messy guts of the underlying data operation transparent to the client that is doing the insert. In my opinion, there should be some way to explicitly set scope_identity in an INSTEAD OF trigger.
+3  A: 

Since you're on SQL 2008, I would highly recommend using the OUTPUT clause instead of any of the custom identity functions. SCOPE_IDENTITY currently has some issues with paralell queries that cause me to recommend against it entirely. @@Identity does not, but it's still not as explicit, and as flexible, as OUTPUT. Plus OUTPUT handles mult-row inserts. Have a look here for the BOL article, and some great examples.

Aaron Alton
what issues with parallel queries? they are in a different scope, so I don't see where they would be an issue. ident_current has issues with parallel inserts and @@identity has issues with inserts from triggers which is why scope_identity was the preferrered method before output was invented. However the advice to use Output is very good.
Aaron Alton
The point about parallel queries is good. But @@identity handles multi-row inserts just fine: `INSERT TheTable ... | SELECT @LastID = Scope_Identity(), @Rows = @@RowCount | SELECT FROM TheTable WHERE ID BETWEEN @LastID - @Rows + 1 AND @LastID`
+1  A: 

Like araqnid commented, the trigger seems to rollback the transaction when a condition is met. You can do that easier with an AFTER INSTERT trigger:

CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[TR_Payments_Insert]
   ON  [dbo].[Payment]

    IF <Condition>

Then you can use SCOPE_IDENTITY() again, because the INSERT is no longer done in the trigger.

The condition itself seems to let two identical rows past, if they're in the same insert. With the AFTER INSERT trigger, you can rewrite the condition like:

    SELECT *
    FROM dbo.Payment a
    LEFT JOIN dbo.Payment b
        ON a.Id <> b.Id
        AND a.CustomerId = b.CustomerId
        AND (a.DateFrom BETWEEN b.DateFrom AND b.DateTo
        OR a.DateTo BETWEEN b.DateFrom AND b.DateTo)
    WHERE b.Id is NOT NULL)

And it will catch duplicate rows, because now it can differentiate them based on Id. It also works if you delete a row and replace it with another row in the same statement.

Anyway, if you want my advice, move away from triggers altogether. As you can see even for this example they are very complex. Do the insert through a stored procedure. They are simpler and faster than triggers:

create procedure dbo.InsertPayment
    @DateFrom datetime, @DateTo datetime, @CustomerId int, @AdminId int

    SELECT *
    FROM dbo.Payment
    WHERE CustomerId = @CustomerId
    AND (@DateFrom BETWEEN DateFrom AND DateTo
    OR @DateTo BETWEEN DateFrom AND DateTo))

    INSERT into dbo.Payment 
    (DateFrom, DateTo, CustomerId, AdminId)
    VALUES (@DateFrom, @DateTo, @CustomerId, @AdminId)

Thanks for the examples and advices, I have taken a look at it, and I will probably use some of your ideas - however not all of them are applicable in this case. Also, yes I do no checks on the Id column, I let the DB handle that for me (along with a couple of other constraints) however I will probably move my trigger to after insert - i completely failed to see the logical solution when I created my trigger :)
@Andomar, using BETWEEN means the server has to check four conditions. You can get by with half that many. See for more details.
Also, could we get some references for how stored procedures are both SIMPLER and FASTER than triggers? A trigger is often simpler because it can absolutely enforce data integrity rules, but just having a procedure doesn't guarantee it always gets used (don't give me that the app only uses the SP, some day someone inserts some rows somewhere through the back end). And I'm skeptical about the faster bit. Can you prove this?
@Emtucifor: The link you give assumes EndA > StartA, which I would not rely on if it's not enforced by check constraints. A trigger that enforces integrety rules should be replaced by a check constraint (optionally with a UDF.) Triggers are evil and should be eliminated.
@Andomar: that's incorrect. There is no assumption that EndA > StartA. Please see for help visualizing how this works for ALL ranges. Second, Could you provide a source or some scholarly work on how triggers are always evil and should always be eliminated? I agree they are often overused, misapplied, or badly written, and if a check or foreign key constraint can do the job they are inappropriate. However, triggers are MORE reliable than SPs. So many times people say "the app only uses the SP" but some day, someone inserts data directly.
@Emtucifor: For example StartA = 2006, EndA = 2004, StartB = 2005, EndB = 2007 would not match, but it does overlap. Scholarly work is too remote from commercial reality to provide meaningful insights. The problem of triggers is not reliability but complexity. No app will succeed in inserting data directly into tables I maintain.
@Andomar: My apologies. I missed that both were A in your comparisons. However, I now see another issue with your query: if DateFrom and DateTo are entirely within @DateFrom and @DateTo, your query will fail! As for @DateFrom and DateTo being in reverse order, fix that with some SET statements first (so I still think your query needs some updating). About the other point, I said twice that it wasn't the app that would insert directly to the tables, but a *person*. As to the claim that scholarly work is unable to provide meaningful insights... um, ok. I'll stop casting pearls now. :)
Just to be clear: Do some assignment statements to make @DateFrom < @DateTo and then you can use two conditions instead of 4 in your query which should be a huge performance boost, especially with an index on one of the dates (and ALSO get the case of one range fully enclosing the other which your query is missing right now).
@Emtucifor: Update queries are just a quick fix; they won't prevent new entries. As to your comment about the range being entirely within the range, I suggest you read the question before commenting on answers ;)
Update queries? I didn't say anything about them. I meant SET statements solely on the variables @DateFrom and @DateTo. If you mean that the *columns* DateFrom and DateTo can be in reverse chronological order, then your query also fails. Last, do you mean that since the original poster didn't check for entirely enclosed ranges, that is the true requirement? I wonder if that is an error.
+2  A: 

I was having serious reservations about using @@identity, because it can return the wrong answer.

But there is a workaround to force @@identity to have the scope_identity() value.

Just for completeness, first I'll list a couple of other workarounds for this problem I've seen on the web:

  1. Make the trigger return a rowset. Then, in a wrapper SP that performs the insert, do INSERT Table1 EXEC sp_ExecuteSQL ... to yet another table. Then scope_identity() will work. This is messy because it requires dynamic SQL which is a pain. Also, be aware that dynamic SQL runs under the permissions of the user calling the SP rather than the permissions of the owner of the SP. If the original client could insert to the table, he should still have that permission, just know that you could run into problems if you deny permission to insert directly to the table.

  2. If there is another candidate key, get the identity of the inserted row(s) using those keys. For example, if Name has a unique index on it, then you can insert, then select the (max for multiple rows) ID from the table you just inserted to using Name. While this may have concurrency problems if another session deletes the row you just inserted, it's no worse than in the original situation if someone deleted your row before the application could use it.

Now, here's how to definitively make your trigger safe for @@Identity to return the correct value, even if your SP or another trigger inserts to an identity-bearing table after the main insert.

Also, please put comments in your code about what you are doing and why so that future visitors to the trigger don't break things or waste time trying to figure it out.


DECLARE @MyTableID int
INSERT MyTable (Name, SystemUser)
SELECT I.Name, System_User
FROM Inserted

SET @MyTableID = Scope_Identity()

INSERT AuditTable (SystemUser, Notes)
SELECT SystemUser, 'Added Name ' + I.Name
FROM Inserted

-- The following statement MUST be last in this trigger. It resets @@Identity
-- to be the same as the earlier Scope_Identity() value.
SELECT MyTableID INTO #Trash FROM MyTable WHERE MyTableID = @MyTableID

Normally, the extra insert to the audit table would break everything, because since it has an identity column, then @@Identity will return that value instead of the one from the insertion to MyTable. However, the final select creates a new @@Identity value that is the correct one, based on the Scope_Identity() that we saved from earlier. This also proofs it against any possible additional AFTER trigger on the MyTable table.


I just noticed that an INSTEAD OF trigger isn't necessary here. This does everything you were looking for:

CREATE TRIGGER dbo.TR_Payments_Insert ON dbo.Payment FOR INSERT
      Inserted I
      INNER JOIN dbo.Payment P ON I.CustomerID = P.CustomerID
      I.DateFrom < P.DateTo
      AND P.DateFrom < I.DateTo

This of course allows scope_identity() to keep working. The only drawback is that a rolled-back insert on an identity table does consume the identity values used (the identity value is still incremented by the number of rows in the insert attempt).

I've been staring at this for a few minutes and don't have absolute certainty right now, but I think this preserves the meaning of an inclusive start time and an exclusive end time. If the end time was inclusive (which would be odd to me) then the comparisons would need to use <= instead of <.

that's very creative
This is really brilliant - although I no longer need a solution for this - for others and possibly myself in the future, this is just pure awesomeness :)
Thanks, guys! I figured this out a few years ago after agonizing over problems in an Access Data Project (ADP) which uses @@Identity instead of Scope_Identity. I desperately wanted to use an INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger so I could bind forms to a view and make it updatable. I finally got it working! (For completeness, please note that this requires WITH VIEW_METADATA to prevent Access from querying the underlying tables itself.)
It's possible there could be a performance improvement by not hitting the original table again at the end, through creating #Trash, then setting identity_insert on and doing the insert with @MyTableID.