I have setup a nagios monitoring and configured check_http plugin to check for a specific URL in my application. That url returns either 'ok' or an error message.
My nagios sends me an email when it detects something not 'ok'. However what I am getting is only "HTTP CRITICAL - string not found". What I would like to get in email is the actual error message that is returned from my URL. I've tried using the verbose (-v) option. In command line it returns me a complete request including my error message, however nagios email would only send me the first line of the verbose response.
What I would like to get in nagios notification is instead of string not found to get the actual error message. Is there any way to do it using check_http (or may be some other) plugin or do I have to write my own?
Edit: So far I've been using $SERVICEOUTPUT$ in my email notification.