



Hello there,

My problem is one that you would think is quite common, but I haven't so far managed to find a solution.

Building a Java web app under Tomcat 5.5 (although a requirement is that it can be deployed anywhere, like under a WebLogic environment, hence the loading resources as streams requirement). Good practice dictates that resource files are placed under WEB-INF/classes and loaded using the ClassLoader's getResourceAsStream() method. All well and good when you know the name of the resource you want to load.

My problem is that I need to load everything (including recursively in non-empty sub-directories) that lives in a subdirectory of classes.

So, for example, if I have the following under WEB-INF/classes:




I need the and classes to be loaded, without actually knowing their names before the application is started (ie I need the ability to arbitrarily load resources from any directory under WEB-INF/classes).

What is the most elegant way to do this? What object could I interrogate to find the information I need (the resource paths to each of the required resources)? A non-servlet specific solution would be best (keeping it all within the class loading framework if possible).

Thanks in advance!

+2  A: 

As far as I am aware, there is no such ability, since the classloader only attempts to load things it is asked for. It doesn't pre-fetch all items on the classpath, or treat them as a directory structure.

The way I would solve the problem is create a directory listing in a text file of all relevant resources at build time and include that in the war, and then walk it through that way.

+1  A: 

You can do that with some tricks :)

Get the resource as URL, extract the protocol :

  • file protocol - get the URL path and you have a folder, scan for files.
  • jar/zip protocol - extract the jar/zip path and use JarFile to browse the files and extract everything under your path/package.
Couldn't an web server return an http protocol pointing to itself? I would say at a minimum such an approach should be tested on all target web servers to make sure it works.
Sun Jersey REST implementation uses this approach to search for specific classes based on package name(looking for classes with a specific annotation).
What about WebLogic's limitations in terms of the unexploded WAR deployment? Wouldn't any attempt to instantiate and interrogate File objects cause problems under WebLogic?
No, absolute not. Playing with File or ZipFile objects doesn't effect the container, no matter which one do you use.
Yep, this worked. Thanks!
The file protocol may work. Extracting the jar/zip would include your entire application .war and/or .ear archives recursively. This seems like more than just tricky! If someone figures it out robustly then they should make a nice open source project!