For a current project I have to use and do mathemetics on information provided in matrices as well as use ITK/VTK functions for displaying medical information / renders. Basically I have to use both matlab routines and VTK/ITK in a (I guess) 50/50 way. The problem is that, since I have to use both, I want to decide in advance which method to use:
Import ITK and VTK libs into matlab: for this you have to build your own VTK as a start. Then, by this example the whole idea is to write your VTK-code in .mex files. These are files in which you can program c-code as a function of matlab.
Import matlab functions in ITK/VTK environment: for this I would use a language, probably python, to do matrix calculations. I could make use of Numpy. This is a matlab-kind-of calculation module in Python and convert vtk data to numpy data and I can make use of matplotlib to make plots.
Pros / cons ITK/VTK imported in matlab
+ easy to do matlab calculations and plotting
+ matlab is one of most powerfull tools for working with matrices
+ have used matlab before (subjective)
- Have to have matlab installed
- running matlab burdens your pc
Pros / cons matlab imported in ITK/VTK environment
+ no need to have matlab installed
+ less of a strain for PC, and since medical datasets require alot from your pc this is nice.
+ ITK/VTK environment already set up in this case (currently using it this way, but never with matlab/matrices .mat)
- have heard stories it is hard to do matlab calculations in this way. Bit messy.
- less experience in python (in combination with matlab 0)
So...? concluding
Actually I am looking for people who have been working in one of the two environments but since I think there are such a few of them I love to hear suggestions what to look for before making the final choice. It will cost a lot of time to get it working in a way I need it so it would be a waste of time to try both (also have a deadline).
extra notes
- I have tried Simulink for matlab in combination with VTK/ITK libs but I do not like it.
- Although a solution to the problem is ofcourse the best I can get here I am also happy with people having experience in making choices which are in base the same as this one. What are keypoints to look for when making such a choice? Am I missing a keypoint in my pros and cons?