I am looking for QuickForm
replacement. QF has perfoprmance issues with, for example with many optiion in combobox. I would also like something more object oriented, like Zend_Form, but without decorators and so much bloat. OF cource it should be also warning with E_STRICT
. Any recomendations?
3I´ve never used, but last time a researched this topic I did stumble up on on this: http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/1.html
A link to QuickForm wouldn't have killed you...
Anyway, I was looking for a system to generate forms and then save the result into a database. The following are some systems I found.
- Dataman
PHP DataGrid Two versions, old one is free, new one not.
First system I found that did the sorts of things I wanted. But, doesn't do them quite how I want. Doesn't have import. Settings are stored in the db. Easy to change the settings using web interface. Easy to modify table. Can not create tables. Allows you to view multiple tables from the same interface easily. No multi-option. (Multi-choice.)
I then decided, what the hell, I would write my own, and I did. It isn't downloadable yet, but is in use.