




I'm trying to select orders that have either over or under 2000 products ordered in them, depending on other values. I need to select the information from the Orders table, but check this value in the OrdersProducts table, specifically the sum of OrdersProducts.ProductQty. I also need to do this using predicate builder, because of other requirements. So far, I have this, but it isn't returning the results correctly. Its using nested Lambda expressions, which I didn't know I could do but I tried it and it works, but its not returning correct results.

Dim getOrders = From d In db.Orders _
                Where d.Status = OrderStatus.Approved _
                Select d

' Then a for loop adding parameters via Predicatebuilder... 

If over2000 = True Then
    ' over 2000
    predicate1 = predicate1.And(Function(d) (d.OrderProducts.Sum(Function(c) c.ProductQty > 2000)))

    ' under 2000
    predicate1 = predicate1.And(Function(d) (d.OrderProducts.Sum(Function(c) c.ProductQty < 2000)))

End If

basePredicate = basePredicate.Or(predicate1)

' End For loop

getOrders = getOrders.Where(basePredicate)

I removed some code for brevity but I think that gets the point across. How can I do this?? Thanks!

+4  A: 

Try changing this:

(d.OrderProducts.Sum(Function(c) c.ProductQty > 2000))

to this:

(d.OrderProducts.Sum(Function(c) c.ProductQty) > 2000)

I haven't built this to test it, but it appears that it was currently trying to sum the results of a boolean comparison instead of summing the quantities and then comparing.

Ryan Versaw
And, of course, modify the "under 2000" portion as well.
Ryan Versaw
The sql its building looks a lot better!! And quick response! I need to get some other things setup to test it and I will let you know if that fixed it or not, can't tell at the moment, but looks better. Thanks!
Hey, works like a charm! Good catch there. I was actually trying to figure out why I was missing a record that I knew I should be getting... ha, well it was equal to 2000 and I only had less than and greater than, lol. Thanks again.
Glad it worked out for you!
Ryan Versaw