




jQuery has cool methods like getJSON, get and load. However all of them in the end make AJAX call.

I am trying to access API www.eventsinindia.com/cities/mumbai/events.js?month=2009-05 .

This API call returns the data in JSON format.

I could not find any way to call this API from jQuery and to get the output data in JSON format. I keep getting Access to restricted URI denied" code: "1012 error because jQuery is trying to make an AJAX call. AJAX call from a standalone page to a server is forbidden.

+1  A: 

As it's on a different domain, are you using a JSONP callback?


As of jQuery 1.2, you can load JSON data located on another domain if you specify a JSONP callback, which can be done like so: "myurl?callback=?". jQuery automatically replaces the ? with the correct method name to call, calling your specified callback. This callback parameter may vary depending on API, for instance Yahoo Pipes requires "_callback=?"

JSONP also has to be supported on the server-side. The normal JSON response should be wrapped inside the value of the url-parameter. So if you have myurl?callback=a32b5c2 the result should look something like:a32b5c2( {} );

As @ceejayoz suggested JSONP technique must be used to access data on different domain. But in order for this to work the server side script must be JSONP enabled which means that it must accept a parameter that will define a client postback function name to prepend to the JSON data. If this is not the case you need to write a server script on the domain that is hosting your client script to serve as a bridge to the foreign domain.

Darin Dimitrov

I don't understand why it is so difficult to access an API. It should not be a cross domain issue since I am NOT making an AJAX request. I should be able to pull data from 5 different sites through their API as long as I am making standard HTTP request.

I am surprised that jQuery does not have a handy method that will make a simple GET request and will wrap the response html in a JSON object.

What am I missing here?

What do people do who work with API all the time.

Neeraj Singh
As this is not a possible answer to the question, it should be added as comments to other answers, or added to the question.
Rex M
You seem to be confusing AJAX and JSON. A cross-domain request is *any* HTTP request called from Javascript that is to a domain outside of the current one.
R. Bemrose
You *are* making a cross-domain request, unless www.eventsinindia.com is your website.

If it's not a cross-domain request, you just need:

jQuery.getJSON("/cities/mumbai/events.js?month=2009-05", function(json) {