
Not sure if this is the best solution, but I believe you can batch multiple commands by wrapping them in a BEGIN/END block, and use a single call to run all of them.

er.. not really
+3  A: 

Use a temporary table which persists for the duration of the session/connection (multiple calls). Table variables have scope only for the batch, which is basically one call.

+1, table @variables are slower than #temp tables when you insert many rows, like the question says is going to happen
Would it really be slower than performing disc I/O to a temp-table, which also bothers the transaction log? I'm considering that the table variable is only one column (I could make it varchar rather than char) and the size of the table may be relatively small. The total length of all usernames is currently 32370 characters. I am currently using a temp table, because I just had to change the '@' to a '#' to make it work, lol, but I'm still curious about how to deal with a variable persisting across SqlCommand calls without error.
I don't think you can. You also have to consider the performance when reading from the table variable. SQL keeps no stats and always assumed one row. You'd save on load but lose on later read.

I dont know how to solve your question, however my alternative approach to your problem would instead be to have a stored procedure that accepted a comma delimited list of ID's, inserted those ID's into a temporary table and then do a "SELECT WHERE IN", for example (altered from another blog):

CREATE PROC dbo.SelectStudents
    @StudentIdList varchar(8000)

    CREATE TABLE #StudentIdList (
     StudentId int,

    DECLARE @StudentId varchar(10), @Pos int

    SET @StudentIdList = LTRIM(RTRIM(@StudentIdList)) + ','
    SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @StudentIdList, 1)

    IF REPLACE(@StudentIdList, ',', '') <> ''
     WHILE @Pos > 0
      SET @StudentId = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@StudentIdList, @Pos - 1)))
      IF @StudentId <> ''
       INSERT INTO #StudentIdList (StudentId) VALUES (CAST(@StudentId AS int))
      SET @StudentIdList = RIGHT(@StudentIdList, LEN(@StudentIdList) - @Pos)
      SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @StudentIdList, 1)

    SELECT  * 
    FROM  dbo.Students
    WHERE StudentId IN
     SELECT StudentId FROM #StudentIdList

You can then call this stored procedure with a comma delimtied list of id's:

exec dbo.SelectStudents '1,2'

You will need to make sure that your formatted list of id's is no longer than 8000 characters (and make multiple calls to the database if it is) however this method will be far more efficient and requires only a large parameter, not a long command text - making large numbers of trips to the database to insert each of the Id's will be extremely slow.

Similar approaches exist for passing in the list of Id's as Xml (although my preference would probably be to go for the simplicity of delimited strings).

Also, it shoud be possible to use the above technique even if for whatever reason you aren't able to create stored procedures on your database.

sql 2005+ supports n/varchar(max)
that is a slow way to split strings, there are much better ways: http://www.sommarskog.se/arrays-in-sql.html
"Assume creating stored procedures is not an option." Yeah, I don't want to concatenate 10,000 usernames, only to split them again in a T-SQL stored procedure. The total character length of all usernames is already 32370, which is definitely more than 8000, and is likely to quadruple by September.
String manipulation is cheap, however round trips to the database and back are not! Not to mention that doing the inserts into the temporary table individually outside of a transaction prevents lock escalation which will have a large impact on performance.
+1  A: 

What's wrong with lengthy command texts? I've executed several kilobyte big query's in one call. SQL2005 supports it, and I think it's better than round-tripping all the time.

Why not create the query like this?

select StudentID, FName, LName, [etc.] from Student 
where StudentID in ('bob000001', 'bob000002', [etc.])
First of all, building up this request (by concatenating together string values) is prone to SQL injection. Also, if you call it repeatedly with different values, it's a different query every time, so SQL Server needs to find out a query plan every time. Using parameters allows SQL Server to create a query plan ONCE and then reuse that plan over and over again --> MUCH better for performance!
Yes, you're right, but concerning that you have all the information you need in the link provided in another answer below (by AlexK)
That is more concise than using where clauses, but suffers the same problems: a new query plan generated every time, and lots of string concatenation.
+1  A: 

Erland's article should address your issues:

