I have a gridview that gets its data from a webservice.
This comes into the application in a dataset.
Me.GvStreets.DataSource = TheWebServiceSearch.AddressDataTable
Once in the grid view how do I search the contents of this dataset.
Do I have to add it to some sort of datasource control like an XML datasource?
What I ended up doing was this...
Dim StreetDataTable As DataTable = Session("StreetData")
Dim Name As String = StreetDataTable.Columns(0).ColumnName
Dim FilteredResults As New DataTable
FilteredResults = StreetDataTable.Clone()
Dim DataRows() As DataRow
DataRows = StreetDataTable.Select("street LIKE '%" & Me.txtStreet.Text & _
"%'", "Street ASC")
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To DataRows.GetUpperBound(0)
Next i
Me.GvStreets.DataSource = FilteredResults
I had to get the results and clone the data table to get the schema. Then I did the select from the original datatable. I looped through the results and added them to the cloned data table.