



Assuming the current buffer is a file open for edit, so :e does not display E32: No file name.

I would like to yank one or all of:

  • The file name exactly as show on the status line, e.g. ~\myfile.txt
  • A full path to the file, e.g. c:\foo\bar\myfile.txt
  • Just the file name, e.g. myfile.txt
+14  A: 

Almost what you're asking for, and it might do: Ctrl+R % pulls the current filename into where you are (command prompt, edit buffer, ...). See this Vim Tip for more.

when you exit edit mode you can add the file name: ctrl-" ctrl-% p
stefanB: I can't get that to work :(
`Ctrl+R %` works while in `insert` mode -- but in `edit` mode, `Ctrl+R` means redo.
Kevin Panko
What stefanB meant was "%p for normal/command mode. That's the same as <C-r>% in insert/cmdline-mode.
+8  A: 

Try this:

:let @" = expand("%")

this will copy the file name to the unamed register, then you can use good old 'p' to paste it. and of course you can map this to a key for quicker use.

:nmap cp :let @" = expand("%")

you can also use this for full path

:let @" = expand("%:p")

use :help expand for more details

Wow, exactly as desired, thank you very much!
Dave Tapley
+1  A: 

Combining information from a couple of other answers: If you want to yank the current full path to a file and put it into the command buffer in another window, first do :let @" = expand("%:p"), then move to another window and type Ctrl+R ".

Useful for copying a file while staying in the same directory and keeping the old one open. For example:

Start: Editing src/com/benatkin/paint/shapes/

  1. Type :let @" = expand("%:p") (The path gets yanked to the main clipboard buffer.)

  2. Open a new window with :sp

  3. Type :e Ctrl+R"

  4. Use the arrow keys to go back to Circle and change it to Square, and press <CR>

End: Editing src/com/benatkin/paint/shapes/

Ben Atkin