



Introducing some of the goodness of collection operations to our codebase without adding a new external library dependency, we are adding these methods to our utility package.

static public List<T> filter(List<T> source, Predicate<T> filter);
static <Y,T> public List<Y> transform(List<T> source, Mutator<Y,T> filter);
static public boolean exists(List<T> source, Predicate<T> filter);
static public T findFirst(List<T> source, Predicate<T> filter);
static public boolean trueForAll(List<T> source, Predicate<T> filter);

With the attendant interfaces

public interface Predicate<T> { public boolean apply(T item); }
public interface Mutator<T,Y> { public Y apply(T item); }

So the questions:

  • Is Filters a good name for the class containing the extensions? If not, a better?
  • Is Mutator<T,Y> appropriately named?
  • Should I prefer map to transform and reduce to filter?
  • Are there any important set-based functions that I've forgotten to include in the library class?

Edited to add: A significant argument I have against map (and thus in favor of transform) is that map has significant semantic load due to the many uses for java.util.Map


This isn't really what you asked, but it's in the spirit of your question. To me, it reads better to say:

List<String> shortWords = filtered(allWords, short);


List<String> shortWords = filter(allWords, short);

I would stick with transform and filter.

Carl Manaster
I would tend to disagree; I think the verb works a little clearer than the adjective (because it more accurately describes the fact that some action is occurring). It's a minor disagreement, though.
I tend to think of methods as actions. filter seems more appropriate than filtered. The important thing is to be consistent though.
Carl Manaster
+1  A: 

This looks really nice; I think you're definitely on the right track here. Yes, I think Mutator is a good name; transform is better because it's more commonly read as a verb, and map has a "noun" connotation that might be confusing; and the only major set-based function that I could think that you might want would be a reordering function.

since Collections.sort is available, I didn't think we needed an additional sorting method.
Tetsujin no Oni
+1  A: 

in a similar library I used:

  • Specification in place of Predicate: aSpecification.isSatisfiedBy(anObject);
  • Mapper in place of Mutator
  • map is collect for smalltalkers (transform in your case)
  • fold is inject for smalltalkers
  • filter is select for smalltalkers
fold? what's the underlying operation there?
Tetsujin no Oni
+1  A: 

I would call them map and filter. Reduce has a slightly different meaning for me, and transform is too vague. As for the class name, Filters may not be the best, but I don't have a better recommendation.

I know you weren't asking for this specifically, but some of the signatures in the generic methods can be improved:

 static public <T> List<T> filter(List<T> source, Predicate<? super T> filter);
 static public <Y,T> List<Y> transform(List<T> source, Mutator<Y,? super T> filter);
 static public <T> boolean exists(List<T> source, Predicate<? super T> filter);
 static public <T> T findFirst(List<T> source, Predicate<? super T> filter);
 static public <T> boolean trueForAll(List<T> source, Predicate<? super T> filter);
Thanks, since I'm used to thinking in CLR generics rather than JDK5 generics, it's definitely a good point.
Tetsujin no Oni

It would seem Transform should be Mutate (or alternatively Mutator should be Transformer,) for consistency's sake. This seems fairly clear about the intent:

static <Y,T> public List<Y> mutate (List<T> originalForm, Mutator<Y,T> mutator);

It is also a bit more verbose (but more consistent and conventional) to spec:

static public boolean isTrueForAll(List<T> source, Predicate<T> filter);


static public boolean assertTrueForAll(List<T> source, Predicate<T> filter);
good point about isTrueForAll vs. trueForAll ... (but I have to admit coming at this from the "what's missing from JDK1.5 collections that is present in the .Net BCL" perspective, so my naming expectation had a preexisting bias...
Tetsujin no Oni
+2  A: 

Are there any important set-based functions that I've forgotten to include in the library class?

For higher-order collection functions I use the approach outlined by Adrian Kuhn in his article "Pimp My Foreach".

Some of these you've already got, but thought I'd throw them out there anyway:

  • AllSatisfy
  • AnySatisfy
  • Cardinality
  • Collect
  • Count
  • CutPieces
  • Detect
  • Fold
  • GroupedBy
  • IndexOf
  • Inject
  • Reject
  • Select