In my PHP file,I'm reading out bulk of information using query like below:
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT('<comment><body><![CDATA[',body,']]></body>','<replier>',if(screen_name is not null and !anonymous,screen_name,''),'</replier>','<created>',created,'</created></comment>') SEPARATOR '')
FROM idiscussion
WHERE idiscussion.iask_id = 1
yes,it's like xml format,but seems it's not easiest to parse in PHP,
Any recommendation on which format to use in order to parse easily later on?
AS for my I need to concatenating them all together,
You can think about this case: To retrieve 1 topic and discussions under this topic at a time. 1 topic corresponds to multiple discussions.How can you do it in 1 query without concatenating it together?