



I have an object with a field that can be a number of object types. This object is encoded in a single table with a discriminator column for the field's subtypes. Each of these subtypes have their fields mapped to a column in the parent objects table. I cannot seem to model this in hibernate. The code bellow will return null for getSubfield() regardless of what subtype data is in the table.


  id   type   whosit   whatsit  
| 1  | "A"  | "test" | null    |
| 2  | "B"  | null   | "test"  |

Domain Objects

public class Parent {
    protected @Id @GeneratedValue int id;
    protected Subfield subfield;

    public Subfield getSubfield() {return subfield;} 

@DiscriminatorColumn(name="type", discriminatorType=DiscriminatorType.STRING)
public abstract class Subfield {}

public class TypeA extends Subfield {
    public String whosit;

public class TypeB extends Subfield {
    public String whatsit;

"SELECT p FROM parent p"


Is it possible to accomplish what I want with this object model, or do I need to get a bit more creative (this is a legacy database, changing the schema is not preferred)

+2  A: 

Ok you can't easily change the schema, but how about adding a couple of views?

James L
Good idea, unfortunately, it is still a modification to the database structure. I am trying to solve this with code, if nothing else, it seems like something that hibernate could do and I am curious as to what I am doing wrong.