I have been poking around for a recipe / example to index a list of tuples without taking a modification of the decorate, sort, undecorate approach.
For example:
l=[(a,b,c),(x,c,b),(z,c,b),(z,c,d),(a,d,d),(x,d,c) . . .]
The approach I have been using is to build a dictionary using defaultdict of the second element
from collections import defaultdict
for myTuple in l:
Then I have to build a list consisting of only the second item in the tuple for each item in the list. While there are a number of ways to get there a simple approach is to:
tempList=[myTuple[1] for myTuple in l]
and then generate an index of each item in tdict
for key in tdict:
Clearly this does not seem very Pythonic. I have been trying to find examples or insights thinking that I should be able to use something magical to get the index directly. No such luck so far.
Note, I understand that I can take my approach a little more directly and not generating tdict.
output could be a dictionary with the index
indexDict={'b':{'index':0},'c':{'index':1},'d':{'index':4},. . .}
After learning a lot from Nadia's responses I think the answer is no.
While her response works I think it is more complicated than needed. I would simply
def build_index(someList):
for item in enumerate(someList):
if item[1][1] not in indexDict:
return indexDict