I have the following script that takes in an input file, output file and replaces the string in the input file with some other string and writes out the output file.
I want to change the script to traverse through a directory of files i.e. instead of prompting for input and output files, the script should take as argument a directory path such as C:\temp\allFilesTobeReplaced\ and search for a string x and replace it with y for all files under that directory path and write out the same files.
How do I do this?
print @lines;
foreach $file (@lines){
#print "$file\n";
print INFO "$file";
#print "Input file name: ";
#chomp($infilename = <STDIN>);
if ($ARGV[0]){
$file= $ARGV[0]
print "Output file name: ";
chomp($outfilename = <STDIN>);
print "Search string: ";
chomp($search = <STDIN>);
print "Replacement string: ";
chomp($replace = <STDIN>);
open(OUT,">$outfilename") || die "cannot create $outfilename: $!";
foreach $file (@lines){
# read a line from file IN into $_
s/$search/$replace/g; # change the lines
print OUT $_; # print that line to file OUT