First off, exceptions should never be used as a control-flow mechanism. Exceptions are an error propagation and handling mechanism, but should never be used to control program flow. Control flow is the domain of conditional statements and loops. That is quite often a critical misconception that many programmers make, and is usually what leads to such nightmares when they try to deal with exceptions.
In a language like C# which offers structured exception handling, the idea is to allow 'exceptional' cases in your code to be identified, propagated, and eventually handled. Handling is generally left to the highest level of your application (i.e. a windows client with a UI and error dialogs, a web site with error pages, a logging facility in the message loop of a background service, etc.) Unlike Java, which uses checked exception handling, C# does not require you to specifically handle every single exception that may pass through your methods. On the contrary, trying to do so would undoubtedly lead to some severe performance bottlenecks, as catching, handling, and possibly re-throwing exceptions is costly business.
The general idea with exceptions in C# is that if they happen...and I stress if, because they are called exceptions due to the fact that during normal operation, you shouldn't be encountering any exceptional conditions, ...if they happen then you have the tools at your disposal to safely and cleanly recover and present the user (if there is one) with a notification of the applications failure and possible resolution options.
Most of the time, a well written C# application won't have that many try/catch blocks in core business logic, and will have a lot more try/finally, or better yet, using blocks. For most code, the concern in response to an exception is to recover nicely by releasing resources, locks, etc. and allowing the exception to continue on. In your higher level code, usually in the outer message processing loop of an application or in the standard event handler for systems like ASP.NET, you'll eventually perform your structured handling with a try/catch, possibly with multiple catch clauses to deal with specific errors that need unique handling.
If you are properly handling exceptions and building code that uses exceptions in an appropriate way, you shouldn't have to worry about lots of try/catch/finally blocks, return codes, or convoluted method signatures with lots of ref and out parameters. You should see code more like this:
public void ClientAppMessageLoop()
bool running = true;
while (running)
object inputData = GetInputFromUser();
catch (Exception ex)
// Error occurred, notify user and let them recover
// ...
public void ServiceLevelMethod(object someinput)
using (SomeComponentThatsDisposable blah = new SomeComponentThatsDisposable())
} // Dispose() method on SomeComponentThatsDisposable is called here, critical resource freed regardless of exception
// ...
public class SomeComponentThatsDisposable: IDosposable
public void PErformSomeActionThatMayFail(object someinput)
// Get some critical resource here...
// OOPS: We forgot to check if someinput is null below, NullReferenceException!
int hash = someinput.GetHashCode();
public void Dispose()
// Clean up critical resource if its not null here!
By following the above paradigm, you don't have a lot of messy try/catch code all over, but your still "protected" from exceptions that otherwise interrupt your normal program flow and bubble up to your higher-level exception handling code.
A good article that covers the intended use of exceptions, and why exceptions aren't checked in C#, is the following interview with Anders Heijlsberg, the chief architect of the C# language:
To provide a better example that works with the code you posted, perhaps the following will be more useful. I'm guessing at some of the names, and doing things one of the ways I've encountered services forgive any license I take:
public PictureDataService: IPictureDataService
public PictureDataService(RepositoryFactory repositoryFactory, LoaderFactory loaderFactory)
_repositoryFactory = repositoryFactory;
_loaderFactory = loaderFactory;
private readonly RepositoryFactory _repositoryFactory;
private readonly LoaderFactory _loaderFactory;
private PictureDataRepository _repo;
private PictureDataLoader _loader;
public void Save(UserAccount account, UserSubmittedFile file)
#region Validation
if (account == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("account");
if (file == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("file");
using (PictureDataRepository repo = getRepository())
using (PictureDataLoader loader = getLoader())
PictureData pictureData = loader.GetPictureData(file);
} // Any exceptions cause repo and loader .Dispose() methods
// to be called, cleaning up their resources...the exception
// bubbles up to the client
private PictureDataRepository getRepository()
if (_repo == null)
_repo = _repositoryFactory.GetPictureDataRepository();
return _repo;
private PictureDataLoader getLoader()
if (_loader == null)
_loader = _loaderFactory.GetPictureDataLoader();
return _loader;
public class PictureDataRepository: IDisposable
public PictureDataRepository(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
private readonly ConnectionFactory _connectionFactory;
private Connection _connection;
// ... repository implementation ...
public void Dispose()
_connection = null; // 'detatch' from this object so GC can clean it up faster
public class PictureDataLoader: IDisposable
// ... Similar implementation as PictureDataRepository ...