I don't like to lock up my code with synchronized(this), so I'm experimenting with using AtomicBooleans. In the code snippet, XMPPConnectionIF.connect() makes a socket connection to a remote server. Note that the variable *connecting is only ever used in the connect() method; whereas *connected is used in every other methods that needs to use the *xmppConn. My questions are listed after the code snippet below.
private final AtomicBoolean _connecting = new AtomicBoolean( false );
private final AtomicBoolean _connected = new AtomicBoolean( false );
private final AtomicBoolean _shuttingDown = new AtomicBoolean( false );
private XMPPConnection _xmppConn;
* @throws XMPPFault if failed to connect
public void connect()
// 1) you can only connect once
if( _connected.get() )
// 2) if we're in the middle of completing a connection,
// you're out of luck
if( _connecting.compareAndSet( false, true ) )
XMPPConnectionIF aXmppConnection = _xmppConnProvider.get();
boolean encounteredFault = false;
aXmppConnection.connect(); // may throw XMPPException
aXmppConnection.login( "user", "password" ); // may throw XMPPException
_connected.compareAndSet( false, true );
_xmppConn = aXmppConnection;
catch( XMPPException xmppe )
encounteredFault = true;
throw new XMPPFault( "failed due to", xmppe );
if( encounteredFault )
_connected.set( false );
_connecting.set( false );
_connecting.compareAndSet( true, false );
Based on my code, is it thread safe to the point that if 2 threads attempt to call connect() at the same time, only one connection attempt is allowed.
In the finally block, I am executing two AtomicBoolean.set(..) in succession, will be there be a problem, since during the gap between these 2 atomic calls, some threads might call *connected.get() in other methods ?
When using *xmppConn, should I do a *synchronized( xmppConn ) ?
UPDATE Added missing login call into the method.