I have an image, but it keep doesn't display. I check the image properties (right-click and chose properties), and the I found the "type" is text/html not JPEG image. Is this because the type that cause my images dont show up?? How to change the "Type" value? I am using php...
I display the image in a simple html [img] tag...
Yeah, i tried.. If i include the
<?php header('Content-Type:image/jpeg'); ?>
It display the URL, very weird huh??
I am using apache, the image is generated by php code...
<img src="<?php echo bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/thumb.php?src=<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, "image", $single = true); ?>&h=195&w=540&zc=1&q=95" alt="<?php the_title(); ?>