How do I find out which executables or processes are using my shared library objects in a Unix environment, specifically the AIX environment. Is there any command for it?
4In linux, you would:
for i in /usr/bin /bin /usr/local/bin /sbin /...; do
# edit: bug fix to display which filename has the library
# the egrep component will extract line with your library
# or line with ":::", which contains name of the binary
find /usr/bin -printf '::: %p\n' -exec ldd \{\} \; | egrep 'your lib. name|:::'
The ldd package for AIX can be found as described here
To check running processes, you could: lsof | grep 'your library name'. How to obtain lsof for AIX can be found here
In Solaris Open or otherwise:
For example; some of the output supressed...
mybox@myplace02:~$ pldd `pgrep pidgin
5451: pidgin