



This is probably just wishful thinking...

Is there any way to check to see if an ASP/VBScript function is defined before calling it?

+3  A: 

It's a slightly hacky way to do it as it relies on having set "On Error Resume Next", but you could do something like this:

On Error Resume Next
Dim objRef1, objRef2
Set objRef1 = GetRef("DoStuff1")
If objRef1 Is Nothing Then
    Call objRef1
    MsgBox "DoStuff1 is not defined!"
End If

Set objRef2 = GetRef("DoStuff2")
If objRef2 Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "DoStuff2 is not defined!"
    Call objRef2
End If

Sub DoStuff1
    MsgBox "DoStuff1!"
End Sub

The call to GetRef will generate an exception if the sub or function you're trying to get a pointer to does not exist (as is the case here with DoStuff2). You can then check if the reference was set as expected.

Otherwise you're into checking Err.Number after trying to call the function. But then the function you're calling may be defined, get called, but be the source of the error, which I guess is not what you want.
That works. Thanks!
Matthew Cole
+2  A: 

Here is my solution which works on the same principle, but the hacky-ness is pretty self-contained:

Function FunctionExists( func_name )
 FunctionExists = False 

 On Error Resume Next

 Dim f : Set f = GetRef(func_name)

 If Err.number = 0 Then
  FunctionExists = True
 End If  
 On Error GoTo 0

End Function
Tristan Havelick
Yeah - that's what I ended up doing with it. :-)
Matthew Cole