I guess you could use getElementsByTagName inside of the ul to get all your list items inside an array. Then you can just edit the third element in your array, with index number 2.
var lItems = document.getElementsByTagName("ul").getElementsByTagName("li");
lItems[2].innerHTML = "<a title='Two'>----NEW LIST ITEM CHANGED-----</a>";
That will ofcourse get all ul elements on the page, and might lead to some strange results if you have more than two uls in your document. But you get the idea, right? Just ask some more if you don't understand what I'm trying to say.
Okay, the above code doesn't really work properly. I've modified my code a bit, but that also included a change in your HTML, as i presume you'll only have one ul "tabbernav", thus I changed it from class="tabbernav"
to id="tabbernav"
. This is the code to do what you want.
var ul = document.getElementById("tabbernav");
var liArray = ul.getElementsByTagName("li");
for (var i = 0; i < liArray.length; i++) {
if(liArray[i].childNodes[0].title == "Two") {
liArray[i].innerHTML = "Your desired output";
Hope that helps you some more :)