



I'm an creating a custom user control for .NET Compact Framework and I want to keep design time support.

I'd like to think in Visual Studio 2008 that this is not the crazy almost impossible task it once used to be.

And I'm hoping there is a simple tutorial somewhere that will show me, it is a snap.

Any chance?


There is a sample you can download here that shows how to incorporate a WYSIWYG design-time experience.

Also there is annother tutorial here. Look at the section on the "Designer".

Hope this helps

Thanks I'll give it a try. It mentions, "The sample can be built for Pocket PC or Smartphone, using either version 1.0 or version 2.0 of the .NET Compact Framework." So it might be out of date, since we're on version 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008. But I'll find out. Either way thanks for the heads up.

Creating and Migrating Smart Device Custom Controls by Using Visual Studio 2005

I liked this one better, and it looks like VS 2008 works the same way as VS 2005. There is a download as well at the bottom of the page.