I have a php page in which I call a python script.
Python script when run on the command line (Linux) shows output on the command line, as well as writes the output to a file.
Python script when run through php, doesn't do either.
I use a simple system command in PHP to run the python script as:
/var/www/html/1.php: system('/usr/python/bin/python3 ../cgi-bin/ 1');
/var/www/cgi-bin/ --This python file basically parses a data file, uses python's regular expression to search for specific headings and outputs the headings to the stdout, as well as write it to a file.
This python script has a few routines in it which get executed, so I put print statements to debug. I noticed only a few initial print statements' output in the PHP page, all the ones from the function that actually does something are not seen.
Also, as part of my test, I thought well the py script is in a different folder so let me change it to the /var/www/html folder, no go.
I hope I captured the problem statement with sufficient detail and someone is able to reproduce this issue at their end. If I make any progress on this one myself, I'll annotate this question. Thanks everyone.