



I have started converting my simple website to ASP.NET MVC, just to mess around with it. I have a switch language feature on there that basically sets the Session["language"] to another language and refreshes the page. Please correct me if this could be done better, but I have made two controllers for this and setting the session in there. The problem is the routing at the end. Could I refresh the page in some neat way, or can I get the current Action and re-route it to that? Or is this more a scenario for Ajax?

Thankful for advice!

+3  A: 

is there any reason why you are using the session variable? a more common solution is to include the language code in the route, i.e. or (for english and japanese)

if you did this every page on the site could contain links to each language. if you are writing a publicly accessible site this would also make it easier for google to index all your content.

this article explains how to include the language in the domain, ie. or

UPDATED: Here's a simple example of including the language code in the URL route.

Change the default route to include a language parameter:

new { language = "en", controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" }

Add links for each language to your masterpage:

<li><%= Html.ActionLink(
    new { language = "es" })%></li>
<li><%= Html.ActionLink(
    new { language = "fr" })%></li>
<li><%= Html.ActionLink(
    new { language = "en" })%></li>

These will render as links back to the page you are on - only with the language changed.

I do it because of simplicity. I just have to write something like PageText.GetOneForMe("textKey"), and then the PageText decides from the session which language it is. You have some points here and I'm gonna experiment with it later on, don't worry I'll check in later and give you the creds if this works :) Thanks for now!
Hm, back again. I mean I understand this in theory, only, how would I change the links in a smart way? I mean they are the same links, but once I click a link it would have to switch it's url to the other language. The problem is also that if I'm on the "About" page, I want to refresh that page, only with the language switching, like some sort of reflection I guess..
+1  A: 

Here is simple solution how to enable selecting different in URL.

Jakub Šturc
+2  A: 

Following approach works good for me:

I'm using cookies and my own engine for localization All you need to put some link on the page that will redirect to something like this:

public class LanguageController : Controller
 // GET: /Language/

 public void Change(string id)
  var cuka = new HttpCookie("lang", id + "");
  cuka.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddYears(10);

  if (Request.UrlReferrer.IsNotNull())



If you interesting in this engine let me know

This is basically what I'm doing, only using the session. But I think you basically answered my question in the refresh to the current route. I'll try it tonight or tomorrow and get back here. Thanks!

And how do you handle the language switching?

Look for the value in the URL in the global.asax and switching the current thread culture?

Please post an exemple of the handling.

