On the web pages in our app, the trademark symbol (TM) is appearing as a questions mark. The registered trademark (R) works, though. We are displaying the value using the c:out tag in the JSP standard library. If I put ™ or ™ on the page to test this, those show up as they are supposed to.
<td><c:out value="${item.description}"/></td> <!-- does not work -->
<td>yada yada yada Spiros™ yada yada yada</td> <!-- works -->
To add to this, we're also using YUI, and before we display these pages, they show up in a YUI data table as the results of a query (the user clicks on a row to go to the page described above). The (TM) shows up properly in that table. That tells me that we are properly fetching the value from our database, and as well the server code generating the XML to send back to the YUI data table also works.
So why is the same String displayed properly in the YUI data table, but not in a normal JSP, unless we hardcode the symbol onto the page?