




I can switch between windows with "C-x o", but if I have opened multiple frames, can I move between them without the mouse as well?

I just realized that the question probably sounds braindead without this detail: I'm on Mac OS X (Finnish keyboard) and switching between windows of the same application is difficult.


I believe you can switch between frames the same way you switch between applications.

On Windows I use Alt-TAB, on Unix I have my machine setup to use Ctrl-Alt-TAB

Yes, I'm on OS X and there switching between windows of the same app is a PITA.
On OS X you can also use Command-` / Command-~ to cycle windows of the same app (it may be different on non-US keyboard layouts if you can't type that key easily, try holding down Command and pressing the key above tab.) I actually use that more commonly than C-x 5 o with Emacs.
Nicholas Riley
+7  A: 

If you want an Emacs-centric method, try C-x 5 o.

Nicholas Riley
+3  A: 

From manual the answer is "C-x 5 o" (but read the fine print at the and - about variable focus-follows-mouse)

Tomasz Tybulewicz
+2  A: 

I use M-x next-multiframe-window (bound to a key of course). Better IMHO than M-x other-frame (C-x 5 o).

next-multiframe-window steps thorough the windows of each frame. other-frame toggles just steps through the frames (like ALT-TAB)

Andrew Stein
+2  A: 

I recently answered a similar question on SuperUser. There's a new package called framemove.el, which lets you easily switch frames using the arrow keys (with a prefix key like shift or meta).

To install:

(require 'framemove)
(framemove-default-keybindings) ;; default prefix is Meta
Trey Jackson