Contrary to cletus' answer, OR-ing works, in more recent version of App Engine anyway.
Indeed, I found OR-ing not working in App Engine 1.3.0 that I had, but according to Google App Engine - Queries and Indexes (the same source cletus referred to in his answer),
An entity must match all filters to be a result. In the JDOQL string syntax, you can separate multiple filters with || (logical "or") and && (logical "and"), although keep in mind that || can only be employed when the filters it separates all have the same field name. In other words, || is only legal in situations where the filters it separates can be combined into a single contains() filters.
I figured since his answer (and since I last updated my App Engine), App Engine must have been upgraded on this matter.
Update App Engine to 1.3.4, and the OR-ing works! Though with the limitation.
Thanks to cletus anyway:)