Maybe I'm missing the point, but since the validator doesn't work with multiple names (tried... failed!) I changed my form to dynamically change the names, set the rules, then unset the names on submit.
Two methods (ignore the wlog stuff, it just outputs to the console):
// convert the field names into generated ones to allow fields with the same names
// to be validated individually. The original names are stored as data against the
// elements, ready to be replaced. The name is replaced with
// "multivalidate-<name>-<id>", e.g. original => 'multivalidate-original-1'
function setGeneratedNamesWithValidationRules(form, fields, rules) {
var length = fields.length;
for (var i=0; i < length; ++i ){
var name = fields[i];
var idCounter = 0;
// we match either the already converted generator names or the original
$("form [name^='multivalidate-" + name + "'], form [name='" + name + "']").each(function() {
// identify the real name, either from the stored value, or the actual name attribute
var realName = $(this).data('realName');
if (realName == undefined) {
realName = $(this).attr("name");
$(this).data('realName', realName);
wlog("Name: " + realName + " (actual: " + $(this).attr("name") + "), val: " + $(this).val() + ". Rules: " + rules[realName]);
$(this).attr("name", "multivalidate-" + realName + "-" + idCounter);
if (rules[realName]) {
$(this).rules("add", rules[realName]);
function revertGeneratedNames(form, fields) {
var length = fields.length;
for (var i=0; i < length; ++i ){
var name = fields[i];
wlog("look for fields names [" + name + "]");
$("form [name^='multivalidate-" + name + "']").each(function() {
var realName = $(this).data('realName');
if (realName == undefined) {
wlog("Error: field named [" + $(this).attr("name") + "] does not have a stored real name");
} else {
wlog("Convert [" + $(this).attr("name") + "] back to [" + realName + "]");
$(this).attr("name", realName);
On the form load, and whenever I dynamically add another row, I call the set method, e.g.
setGeneratedNamesWithValidationRules($("#my-dynamic-form"), ['amounts'], { 'amounts': 'required'} );
This changes the names to allow individual validation.
In the submitHandler: thingumy after validation I call the revert, i.e.
revertGeneratedNames(form, ['amounts']);
Which switches the names back to the originals before posting the data.