I'm having a problem debugging an Eclipse Application from Eclipse. When I launch the Debug Configuration, the Eclipse Application starts up and then stops repeatedly. It shows the splash screen and then disappears. This is the farthest it gets before restarting:
MyDebugConfiguration [Eclipse Application]
org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main at localhost:2599
Thread [main] (Running)
Daemon Thread [Signal Dispatcher] (Running)
Daemon Thread [State Data Manager] (Running)
Daemon Thread [Framework Event Dispatcher] (Running)
Thread [State Saver] (Running)
Daemon Thread [Start Level Event Dispatcher] (Running)
Thread [Refresh Packages] (Running)
C:\MyApp\eclipse\jdk\jre\bin\javaw.exe (Sep 18, 2008 9:38:19 AM)
I am using Version 3.4.0 of the Eclipse SDK.
What is causing this?