



Hi Steve,

Thanks for trying to help.

  1. "What user is running the deploy commands on the remote server? " -- The user is kollar

  2. What happens when you run the same rake task without sudo as that user?

got this to work. Ran a ls-l on shared/db and saw that it was set to root as user and root as group. changed both to my user "kollar" and now rake can run from the cap deploy.rb file without sudo.

My biggest problem remains that apache is bringing back a Forbidden 403 permissions error when it tries to access the shared/system folder where user uploaded images are stored:

You don't have permission to access /system/avatars/51/thumb_DSC00010.JPG on this server. Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) Phusion_Passenger/2.2.2 Server port 80

there is a symlink from /home/path/to/app/current/system to /home/path/to/app/shared/system

running an ls -l on shared/sytem produces: drwxrws--- 7 kollar kollar 4096 Jun 2 06:47 avatars

I tried adding www-data as group on this folder but that doesn't seem to solve the problem. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

+1  A: 

If you're still seeing the 403 Forbidden error, then you need to tell Apache that it's OK to follow that symlink from your app/current/system to app/shared/system. Ensure you have this in your virtual host definition:

Options FollowSymLinks
Steve Madsen