I'm used to Django where you can run multiple filter methods on querysets, ie Item.all.filter(foo="bar").filter(something="else")
The however this is not so easy to do in Rails. Item.find(:all, :conditions => ["foo = :foo", { :foo = bar }])
returns an array meaning this will not work:
Item.find(:all, :conditions => ["foo = :foo", { :foo = 'bar' }]).find(:all, :conditions => ["something = :something", { :something = 'else' }])
So I figured the best way to "stack" filters is to modify the conditions array and then run the query.
So I came up with this function:
def combine(array1,array2)
conditions = []
conditions[0] = (array1[0]+" AND "+array2[0]).to_s
conditions[1] = {}
return conditions
array1 = ["foo = :foo", { :foo = 'bar' }] array2 = ["something = :something", { :something = 'else' }] conditions = combine(array1,array2) items = Item.find(:all, :conditions => conditions)
This has worked pretty well. However I want to be able to combine an arbitrary number of arrays, or basically shorthand for writing:
conditions = combine(combine(array1,array2),array3)
Can anyone help with this? Thanks in advance.