




I created a site using wordpress. I installed the 'starkers' theme and modified it. However, inside the of the single.php, there's a bunch of text promoting the blog. This is enclosed within a class of promote. I have been searching for where this text is located throughout my site but I cant seem to find it. I had initially thought that this was located within my functions.php, but the file is empty.

I was hoping someone here would be able to help me.


Can you give a bit more specific information, like a link to the site in question? I downloaded a copy of the Starkers theme and did a quick grep -ri promote . and it seems that there's no "promote" class innate to the theme.

Evan Meagher
It seems like the class might be somewhere in the actual wordpress folder. I'm currently testing the website at the moment on a MAMP server on my mac, so i wouldnt be able to provide a link. I see it when I click on a post from the index page and it takes me to the single.php file. Then its located just above the comments section and just below the content of the post.
I mean, I could easily give a CSS property of display: none to the .promote class, but I'm just sure theres a more ideal way to this content entirely from the site.
I can't find the classname "promote" anywhere in vanilla Wordpress either. Try using grep to find what file is adding it. Open up the terminal and trying running this commmand:grep -ri 'promote' /path/to/wordpress/directory
Evan Meagher

Oops... sorry guys, i just found that the promote class was in a plugin that I created. It is not in the starkers theme. My bad.
