Hi friends i develop a website . in that i need to customize for localization . i keep the different country flag images . when i click images the webpage is changed to that relevent country language.i tried google language translater tool , But it is not efficient Please guide me to do that . Thanks in advance...
I don't think any non-human language translation tool will give you an accurate translation of any significant website content. I would try to find an actual person that can translate your content for you. Once you have your translations, you can use resource files or a database to store the content in a way that can be retrieved for each language.
Are you trying to dynamically generate alternative language versions? If you want your site to be comprehensible by people who natively speak another language, not to mention maintain proper visual layout and design, you should hire a translator. Computer-automated translation is horrid, and in my experience usually confuses your readers (or, if the translation is bad enough, just evokes great rounds of histerical laughter.) Translating content is also quite often more than just translating text. Most sites these days use text in images, and the same english text translated to, say, german, can take up more space than the english version. Translating a web site is tricky business if you want it to be comprehensible, fully translated (including images with text), and properly layed out to maintain your visual design and usability.