Hi Folks,
I'm using OpenId in my ASP.NET MVC application. Works great :) Once i have the user's OpenId Identifier (once they have authenticated and returned to my site), i load up the users data (to get display name, etc).
From here, i also know their roles.
I'm not sure how to assign the role to the current Forms.Identity.
here's my code...
// Load User...
var user = GetUsers().ByOpenIdIdentifier("blahblahblahbl....");
// Here means we have a user AND all the roles, for that user.
// Forms Authenticate and Redirect.
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user.DisplayName, true);
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
How can i change this code so the authenticated user also has their roles assigned?
I stumbled across this web post about making a custom Authorize attribute. Notice how they are checking the logged in users role that exists in the session? Also, the roles are an enumeration :) This is pretty funky, if u ask me :) Nice and simple.
Thoughts (compared to a full on blown RoleProvider class?)