Hello all,
I have a node which has two children: an XML text and an XML element.
<h1 id="Installation-blahblah">Installation on server<a href="#Installation-blah" class="wiki-anchor">¶</a>
In this case the XML text is:
Installation on server
and the XML element:
<a href="#Installation-blah" class="wiki-anchor">anchor;</a>
I then create a node like this:
span_node = Nokogiri::XML::Node.new('span',doc)
span_node['class'] = 'edit-section'
link_node = Nokogiri::XML::Node.new('a',doc)
link_node['href'] = "/wiki/#{page_id}/#{@page.title}/edit?section=#{section_index}"
link_node['class'] = 'icon icon-edit'
link_node.content = 'mylink'
Now to add the above node to the main node we can use the following:
This appends the span node at the end. How can I put the span_node in front of all children?