



What is your favourite feature, or a feature you would want to have, in Version Control support in IDE (or editor) you use?

I mean here features such as:

  • automatically adding files to version control when you are adding them to a project
  • graphical diff and quickdiff (highlighting differences) for comparing with last version, and with arbitrary version
  • displaying version control annotations: per-file history of a file
+1  A: 

Ability to view the history of a file.


adding labels to history. it's very helpful to add labels like "production deployment version".

I tend to use branches for this rather than labels
Adam Robinson
+2  A: 

Compare, compare, compare.... All of the others are great, but to me one of the biggest things is to know what has changed in the files.

History is a close second.

Labels are third.

Then a file report of some kind that shows who has what checked out...


Blame. Knowing who made a change in-line is invaluable when you need it.


For me, the stuff I use all the time is the most important. Not just daily, but every few minutes. I like that it gives simplicity, visibility and organization.

The ability to differentiate modified from unmodified at a glance, the ability to check in and out without going "External". The (unintentional) ability to support any version control system with pretty much the same interface via plug-in.

Actually, I'd have to say that last one is the MOST important. The fact that my relearning any new version control system is now done by finding a plugin and exploring a few menu items rather than trying to memorize a new CLI/way to do it.

Bill K

I have (until recently) used VisualSVN in VS2005 and VS2008. For me the most important feature was full integrated support of file changes in the solution without having to go to the windows explorer to handle them.

Things like adding an item to the project being automatically added to source control, without having to remember which files in which folders I added; renaming and deleting immediately reflected in the source control, instead of excluding the file and then renaming or deleting it, and then re-including it (for renamed files); and so on.
