I have the following model :
class Model extends BaseModel
public function save($conn = null)
//do stuff
return parent::save($conn);
I feel like I am follwing the API description of Doctrine_Record::save() signature (Except the weird parenthesis I would give me a syntax error...).
When I run this code, it works well but I get the following warning :
Strict Standards: Declaration of Model::save() should be compatible with that of Doctrine_Record::save() in $ROOT/lib/model/doctrine/Model.class.php on line 6
I usually turn error reporting to ERROR_ALL, and try to stick with a warning free code. This bother me. I checkout all the Doctrine source code and greped "save(", on it, trying one signature after an other. Nothing. First time PHP got me for being too permissive, strange hu :-) ?