at the end of your script, use something like this (assuming you had output buffering on by putting ob_start() at the top of your page
set_time_limit(0); // Stop PHP from closing script after 30 seconds
echo str_pad('', 1024 * 1024, 'x'); // Dummy 1 megabyte string
$buffer = ob_get_clean();
while (isset($buffer[0])) {
$send = substr($buffer, 0, 1024 * 30); // Get 30kbs bytes from buffer :D
$buffer = substr($buffer, 1024 * 30); // Shorten buffer
echo $send; // Send buffer
echo '<br />'; // forces browser to reload contents some how :P
ob_flush(); // Flush output to browser
sleep(1); // Sleep for 1 second
That script basically outputs 1 megabyte of text at 30kbs (simulated) no matter how fast the user and server connection is.