I am looking for a LAMPish/WAMPish experience.
Something very transparent. Write the script, hit F5 and see the results. Very little, if any abstraction. SQLAlchemy and (maybe) some simple templating engine will be used.
I need simple access to the environment - similar to the PHP way. Something like the COOKIE, SESSION, POST, GET objects.
I don't want to write a middleware layer just to get some web serving up and running. And I do not want to deal with specifics of CGI.
This is not meant for a very complex project and it is for beginning programmers and/or beginning Python programmers.
An MVC framework is not out of the question. ASP.NET MVC is nicely done IMO. One thing I liked is that POSTed data is automatically cast to data model objects if so desired.
Can you help me out here?
PS: I did not really find anything matching these criteria in older posts.