



I'm getting a strange error in my MVC site. I have an action in my controller which responds to the default route of {controller}/{action}/{id} - in my case, /Project/Client/{id}.

Depending on the id I pass to it, I get an error. With Elmah off, it's a straight-up ASP.NET 404 error. Turning Elmah on gives me the following:

   at System.Web.CachedPathData.GetConfigPathData(String configPath)
   at System.Web.CachedPathData.GetVirtualPathData(VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean permitPathsOutsideApp)
   at System.Web.HttpContext.GetFilePathData()
   at System.Web.HttpContext.GetConfigurationPathData()
   at System.Web.Configuration.RuntimeConfig.GetConfig(HttpContext context)
   at System.Web.HttpContext.get_ImpersonationToken()
   at System.Web.ClientImpersonationContext.Start(HttpContext context, Boolean throwOnError)
   at System.Web.HttpApplication.ThreadContext.SetImpersonationContext()
   at System.Web.HttpApplication.ThreadContext.Enter(Boolean setImpersonationContext)
   at System.Web.HttpApplication.OnThreadEnterPrivate(Boolean setImpersonationContext)
   at System.Web.HttpApplication.ApplicationStepManager.ResumeSteps(Exception error)

This only happens with certain ID params. for example

/Projects/Client/ABC -- works
/Projects/Client/DEF -- works
/Projects/Client/GHI -- 404
/Projects/Client/JKL -- works

and so on...

Any clues?

+1  A: 

You can use Phil Haacks route debugger to learn which routes are being called read here:

This didn't uncover any problems, but it introduced me to a nifty new tool that solved a problem in another project, so awarding the answer to you, in absence of any better solutions.

One thing you should look at is your web.config files in your site. The top of your stack trace;

at System.Web.CachedPathData.GetConfigPathData(String configPath)

Looks to be a call to determine the location of the web.config. It may be that the virtual file system being defined by your routes (/Project/client/id) is conflicting with a web.config that may exist at, say, ~/Project/web.config

It's a bit of a wild stab derived from the stack trace, but shouldn't take too long to see if it might be a problem.

Steve Cooper