




How to detect the following string from file safely with FIND (cmd.exe default commands), while the name minnie can be anything? its just that FROM: line has me@my.com on it.

From: "Minnie" <me@my.com>

it should not be mixed to this TO line :

To: <me@my.com>

e.g. this batch file row does not work properly :

find "me@my.com" abc.txt

I really don't think you're going to be able to accomplish that with find, since find only looks for a literal match and has no ability to use wildcards or regular expressions.

If you have the option, you can install the UnxUtils package and use grep to do it. It's a port of common Unix Utilities to Win32. You can find it at: [http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/][1]

You'd then issue a grep command like this:

grep "From.*me\@my\.com" abc.txt

Hope that helps!

does grep set errorlevel??
+1  A: 

Try two pipelined find commands, like this:

find "me@my.com" abc.txt | find "From:"

The former searches for all lines containing "me@my.com" and the latter filters them to leave only those lines that contain "From:".

Wow, Windows supports command pipelining? Learn something new every day! :)
+1  A: 

You can use findstr instead of find which has more advanced capabilities, like regular expression matching.

findstr /r /c:"^From:.*<me@my.com>" test.txt

will find the specified e-mail address only when the line starts with "From:".

findstr is also included by default at least since Windows 2000.
