Bastien already answered the question, anyway you may find useful this function I use to load all the modules from a subfolder in a dictionary:
def loadModules():
res = {}
import os
# check subfolders
lst = os.listdir("services")
dir = []
for d in lst:
s = os.path.abspath("services") + os.sep + d
if os.path.isdir(s) and os.path.exists(s + os.sep + ""):
# load the modules
for d in dir:
res[d] = __import__("services." + d, fromlist = ["*"])
return res
This other one is to instantiate an object by a class defined in one of the modules loaded by the first function:
def getClassByName(module, className):
if not module:
if className.startswith("services."):
className = className.split("services.")[1]
l = className.split(".")
m = __services__[l[0]]
return getClassByName(m, ".".join(l[1:]))
elif "." in className:
l = className.split(".")
m = getattr(module, l[0])
return getClassByName(m, ".".join(l[1:]))
return getattr(module, className)
A simple way to use those functions is this:
mods = loadModules()
cls = getClassByName(mods["MyModule"], "submodule.filepy.Class")
obj = cls()
Obviously you can replace all the "services" subfolder references with parameters.