If you are stuck in VBA it gets a little rough. One way to go would be to have a form with timer in it (you could have it open invisibly. The timer could check the table, say once a minute (or whatever interval seems suitable) for changes in record count, and verify the table still exists. (code below)
But personally this isn't what I would recommend that you do. Access is notorious for corruption. When used as a simple back end you are fairly safe most of the time, but to have it running a monitor, means the file is always open. This is basically playing Russian Roulette with your database. At minimum I would link to your database from another Access file and monitor the linked tables, that way if your monitor crashes, you don't take the production DB with you. Finally, make sure that you don't query too often, as I'd hate to see you be the sole cause of the website timing out:)
Option Explicit
Private m_lngLstRcrdCnt_c As Long
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Const lngOneMinute_c As Long = 60000
Me.TimerInterval = lngOneMinute_c
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Timer()
Const strTblName_c As String = "Foo"
Const strKey_c As String = "MyField1"
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim lngRcrdCnt As Long
If TableExists(strTblName_c) Then
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT Count(" & strKey_c & ") FROM " & strTblName_c & ";", dbOpenSnapshot)
If Not rs.EOF Then lngRcrdCnt = Nz(rs.Fields(0&).Value, 0&)
If lngRcrdCnt <> m_lngLstRcrdCnt_c Then
m_lngLstRcrdCnt_c = lngRcrdCnt
'Number of records changed, do something.
End If
'Table is deleted, do something.
m_lngLstRcrdCnt_c = -1
End If
End Sub
Private Function TableExists(ByVal name As String) As Boolean
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
On Error Resume Next
Set tdf = CurrentDb.TableDefs(name)
If LenB(tdf.name) Then 'Cheap way to catch broken links.
Set SafeGetTable = tdf
End If
End Function